Membership Application


I wish to become a of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research (GA).
Please select membership *

Personal Data

Business Address

Home Address

Please enter your home address (optional)

File upload (Student ID)

Student ID (Voluntary upload)

Please upload your student ID (PDF)

Allowed file formats: Everything except for .php, .sql, .bat


Please select payment *

SEPA Direct Debit

Bank Transfer: Please wait for our confirmation mail with your member number.
Paypal: Please wait for our confirmation mail with your member number.
If you want to use a different payment provider please enter the name:

Online subscription of Planta Medica

back to 1998 (60€)
back to 1953 (100€)


Privacy and declaration of consent

I confirm that I have truthfully filled in all of the above information and I give permission to carry out the SEPA debit for the selected contribution.